Our Mission
In 1952 Reverend & Mrs. Herbert Householder donated a wooded hillside near Junction City to the United Brethren In Christ Church for use as a campground. For over 70 years this campground has been used as a FREE summer camp for children of all ages. Over the years it has been a starting point for children to learn about, receive, rely on, and serve Christ throughout their lives. The camp has been known as a great place for individuals to find life long Christian friends. Even some marriages have come from these friendships. Many have returned as adults with their children and grandchildren to work and volunteer their time as cooks, teachers, nurses, shepherds, pianists, song leaders, camp directors, and ministers. Click here to learn more about the Lifestyle Covenant our volunteer staff adheres to. Reverend Householder's vision was to keep this facility FREE of charge for any child that wanted to spend a week at a Christian summer camp. It is our mission to keep that vision alive. We have only been able to do this through the continued donations of time and financial support from concerned and caring individuals. We appreciate all the support you have given us and will greatly appreciate any support you can give us in the future. Thank you very much and may God bless you.

One of the best experiences for kids of all ages! I've attended since I was a little girl and it has brought me so many life long memories! Memories from slip n' slides to late nights and most importantly, worshiping God.
Lauren Nemeth
Camp is my favorite place on Earth! You can feel God's presence as soon as you step foot on the hill. Great food, great people, awesome God!
Dorothy King
I first visited this camp as a couple time a year church visitor. I was invited to go out and see a chapel service and was reluctant to go..didn't want to go either. But the Lord pressed upon my heart to go, and I did, and seeing those kids worship Christ changed my life. God used this camp to change my life and bring me into the ministry, and now as a camp evangelist, I can say these kids and shepherds are still changing my life. Great job to everyone who has anything involved in this free camp experience.
Michael Stover